Kelton Furtado

Im a Cape Verdean programmer and computer , computer networks, computer security, linux and astronomy enthusiast. I am open to new experiences and challenges to improve as a professional and as a human being.


Project Manager & Fullstack Developer & Mobile Developer & Analyst

Tools, Techs and projects
  • Tools: Filezilla, sourcetree,cpanel, Sublim Text 3, Visual Studio Code and Insider
  • Techs: Wordpress and Plugins, Woocommerce, Yii Framework 2, Laravel, ReactJS and ReactNative, JavaScript, jquery, CSS3, HTML5, bootstrap, PHP, POO, MVC, MySQL, Git, Git-flow, Bitbucket
  • Projects: FCF Website , SITECH Website , SITA, SA E-coommerce , Price Management System, Complaints Management System, Backoffice SITA, E-Commerce Websites, E-commerce Mobile App
Febuary 2019 - Present

Backend Developer Intern

In few months I learn a lot about teamwork, real life employeement, software development and agile methods.

Tools, Techs and projects
  • Tools: Filezilla, sourcetree, Sublim Text 3, Visual Studio Code and Insider, Linux Distro Deepin
  • Techs: Yii Framework 2, JavaScript, jquery, css3, html5, bootstrap, php, MVC, MySQL, Git, Git-flow, Bitbucket
  • Projects: Music stream Web Application (MUSKA), Sport sponsorship and blog, Backoffice News platform (RTC Backoffice), Pharmacy management system,
September 2018 - Febuary 2019


University of Cape Verde

  Palmarejo · Praia · Cape Verde
Computer Engineering

October 2013 - July 2018

Fulgêncio Tavares High School

  Várzea da Igreja · São Domingos · Cape Verde
Science and Technology

September 2007 - July 2013


Programming Languages & Tools

  • Computer network
  • Computer security
  • Linux distros ( Ubuntu, Fedora, Elementary, Deepin, Kali )
  • JavaScript ( ES5, ES6, ES7 )
  • NodeJS
  • Web Services (API REST and RESTFull)
  • ReactJS and React Native
  • PHP
  • PHP Frameworks ( Yii2, Laravel)
  • Open Source Softwares
  • Git, Git-flow, Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket
  • Astronomy (Planets, Stars, Black hole, dark matters )
  • Sports (Football, Handball, Basketball)